Climate change, energy use case, dependence or transition, decarbonisation, zero-emission mobility, industry, transport, logistics, economy and even European Funds. HYDROGEN appears on the horizon and GREEN is the key.

More than 30 countries around the world have Green hydrogen strategies and roadmaps to start the new hydrogen era and economy.
Europe aims for 12 per cent of energy consumption to come from green hydrogen by 2050. More than half of this, 52 per cent, could come from Spain, given our capacity to generate hydrogen from renewable energy.
The Hydrogen Roadmap 2020 is the reference document that marks the Spanish government’s steps in this area and establishes, among others, the objective of reaching 4 GW of production capacity by 2030, 10% of the EU’s total
The Strategic Project for Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTE) for renewable energies, approved in December 2021, will generate 16.4 billion euros in public and private investment to boost renewable energies in Spain.
In parallel, Spain has decided to join the race for the world’s largest renewable hydrogen hub. Under the HyDeal España project, the objective is to sell green hydrogen at 1.5 euros per kilo.
Transport and mobility are the main end-uses. Green hydrogen can become the fuel of the future and decarbonise sectors that are very difficult to electrify, such as heavy transport, aircraft and ships. This is a new technology for a new economy.
In Spain, technology companies such as Evo Group offer their track record and experience with zero-emission vehicles with green hydrogen to decarbonise the mobility sector in particular, urban and metropolitan bus fleets, goods transport and offer solutions to the logistics sector and the last mile.